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Native Bee Workshop

Date: Friday, February 16th, 2018

Length: 8:00am-5:00pm (8 hours)

Cost: $0

Class Size: 50

Overview:  The TWS Native Bee Workshop will provide an overview of pollinators (including their value to ecology, major taxonomic groups, and common threats) but will focus on native bees.  Presentations will include information about the life history and habitat requirements, distribution, adaptations, and morphological characteristics of the major bee families and genera of the Pacific Northwest. In addition to threats on pollinator habitat, you will learn about habitat restoration and management on natural lands and research projects being undertaken to better understand and monitor bee communities.  The workshop will also cover basic bee sampling methods and considerations for monitoring. It will provide ample time for questions and discussion to address the participants’ needs.  There will be a 1 hour break for lunch, but lunch will NOT be provided.